An Objective Look At Issues Without Idol-Worship

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pro Bodybuilder Mark Dugdale on Training

Mark doing HIT with Dorian Yates:

He currently follows a four day split more along the lines of DC Training than Dorian Yates's HIT. Not that it matters, as the two are very similar. Notice how he never does more than 15 sets a day, unless you count rest-pause and drop sets as additional sets.

Consider now that most people do a six-day a week split with twice as many sets, if not more. Yet most people don't have the necessary "chemical assistance" or the requisite genetics in order to handle Dugdale's volume... much less a six day a week split.

If the average person did Dugdale's routine without all of the higher intensity techniques (just straight sets to failure) and with more rest days thrown in (let's say one rest day minimum in between each workout), they'd still probably overtrain.

So perhaps a good gym rule for the Average Joe is "look at what the best do... and then do less."

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